
Monday 29 April 2019

Dimc bolg post 2

Today we had to do is that we had to no how long is the spaghetti and this is a different group that came up and it was shayna,jade,chaun,Juliana.and that is what this group did so they had to deceid who can be the wirte or reading the book also who's holding the book shayna was holding the book,Juliana was wiring and jade was standing that is the end of the maths group.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Reflection - Term 1


Your task: Reflect on this term

WALT: organise our ideas (into paragraphs)

WALT: add detail to our ideas

In this box, brainstorm what you have achieved this term and what you want to do better next term.

What have I achieved this term? What have I got better at?

I have got better a maths,writing,reading.

What do I want to do better at next term?

I want to get better next team is to work hard in maths because i Always get struggled when I'm doing my work .

Sentence Starters

This term…. I want to work hard this term I want to work on my work as hard as I can.

I have done well at… so this team we are learning about doing a cool artwork

I need to work on…is reading,maths,writing

I need help with...with is my work that it is so hard to do.

Next term… i want to learn more and and work hard.

My goals were… going to school on time and the other one is to be good in class

My goals for next term are… is to come to class Early and the other one is to be a good girl

In addition… is something that we can do.

Finally… this is almost the end of the holidays.

The most important … is work at home and do my work.

Introduction: Big Ideas

List the ideas you brainstormed above

This term…. I want to work hard this term I want to work on my work as hard as I can.

I have done well at… so this team we are learning about doing a cool artwork

I need to work on…is reading,maths,writing

I need help with...with is my work that it is so hard to do.

Next term… i want to learn more and and work hard.

My goals were… going to school on time and the other one is to be good in class

My goals for next term are… is to come to class Early and the other one is to be a good girl

In addition… is something that we can do.

Finally… this is almost the end of the holidays.

The most important … is work at home and do my work.

Paragraph 1: What have I got better at?

I have got better at was maths reading and also it is cyber-smart and that is what i have being do this year for team 1?.

Paragraph 2: What do I need to work on?

I need to work on is my maths because i always get Struggled when I do my work on the mat.

Paragraph 3: What are my goals for next term?

One of my of my goals are is to work had.and the other one is to come to class early not late.

Conclusion: Big Ideas

List the ideas you brainstormed again

I need to work on is my maths because i always get Struggled when I do my work on the mat.

Peer Edit:


Copy and paste your writing onto your blog and add the link to blog log.

Monday 1 April 2019

DICM blog post 1

Today we did this it is about how many people in a leap

tricks with 4 chairs,Holding each to sand up.

Today  after assemble  room 9&10 had to line up in 3 lines but we had to line up in 4 lines then the  t he people that were in my group was Finau ,shayna,Madison,me we had to ti-pip toes and then we had had to let go on  the chairs and the name was floating people. the other one is how to set down to be sanding up me and finau was the  second gruop to go up and that was we did Today.